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Denver Water: 2022 Water Quality Violation 

 Willows Water Customers, 

In September 2022, Denver Water announced two violations, the first was six failed backflow test assemblies. The second violation was six cross-connections that require backflow protection. Because Willows Water has integrated system agreements with Denver Water, we are all considered one system in the eyes of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). We do not have Back Flow Preventers (BFP) installed at each connection from Denver Water to our system.

This was a tier 2 violation and is a requirement by CDPHE that all customers in Denver Waters system, must be notified. In all instances, Denver Water has worked quickly with the state health department to develop a corrective action plan and make necessary repairs.  

Willows Water District did not have any violations, this all occurred in the City and County of Denver.