Educate employees, contractors, and any other user in your facility about the importance of water conservation.
Perform a leak survey on your facility. This can be done after hours or on weekends by watching the meter for the facility. Sub-metering may be necessary to identify leaks in larger, more complex facilities.
Perform a landscape watering efficiency study. Reducing turf or other irrigated area can reduce mowing, fertilizing, waste removal, and water costs
Replace older toilets and urinals with new low-flow toilets and urinals. Denver Water periodically offers rebates for both residential and commercial toilet replacement . Willows' customers are eligible for rebates offered by Denver Water.
Replace older faucet aerators and showerheads with new low-flow models.
Regularly inspect, maintain and repair your boiler systems.Consider installing a condensate return line on your boiler, if it does not already have one.
Identify all single-pass flows in your facility.These flows are often associated with equipment cooling for pumps, compressors, ice machines, air conditioners, etc. Check with Denver Water for any incentive program that may pay a portion of the typical replacement costs.
Regularly inspect, maintain, and repair your cooling tower system.Increasing the cycles of concentration on your cooling tower can significantly reduce water usage.
Review historical water usage for your facility. Analyzing several years of consumption data will often identify undiscovered leaks or other process inefficiencies. View Your Water Use History.
Perform a water audit on your facility.The primary purpose of a water audit is to make sure you can identify where all of your water use is going.
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Willows Water District (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all
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