Water is too Precious
Water is a renewable resource, however, in the semi-arid Rocky Mountain region preservation of water resources is extremely important.
Willows has chosen to preserve water resources with two different, yet complimentary, approaches: conservation and enhancement.

Conservation and enhancement includes such practical household steps as using water saving appliances and fixtures, carefully controlling lawn sprinklers, and using water in off-peak hours. Thoughtful landscaping design, and inclusion of drought resistant grasses and plants (sometimes called Xeriscape), also minimizes water intensive use. E.T..." (evapo-transpiration) ratings for lawn watering are extremely effective in adjusting water application to the amount needed. Willows has been a long-time supporter of the E.T. technique for its customers. The voluntary every-third-day watering plan is also practical, and Willows distributes the special "diamond-circle-square" calendar when not under mandatory restrictions.
In recent years, voluntary cooperation has had a marked impact on summertime peak demand and Willows customers conserve water efficiently. In addition, the District's rate structure provides incentives to customers to conserve.
- Fix leaks as soon as possible.
- Begin with an indoor audit. Check toilets by putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank and waiting 15 minutes. If color appears in the bowl, you have a leak. Check the water supply lines under your sink for bulges in the hose or damp spots. And watch faucets and showerheads for drips.
- Outdoors, check for broken of misaligned sprinkler heads. Also look for wet spots in your lawn that could indicate leaks in underground pipes.